39 results found displaying 1-3
 United Kingdom
Primary School Climbing Frame Printer Friendly Version
Children in primary school typically want to climb on the roof. Usually this is a dreadful crime, but must it be?
What about a low, single-story primary school with a roof garden/ playground accessed by ladders, rope ladders, fireman's poles and slides that all lead down into classrooms, the playground, or a central courtyard? There could be wobbly rope bridges from one classroom to another, jungle swings across the courtyard, and whatever else the architect's imagination can dream up?
Reward: The pleasure of seeing it built and enjoyed.

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Corporate scholarships for high school senior Printer Friendly Version
Scholarships for college awarded to high school students usually come from colleges themselves or philanthropic sources. One important stakeholder in having a well-educated workforce is corporate America. Companies should sponsor prestigous college scholarships for promising students as they are graduating from high school for a commitment to work for the company for a certain period of time. The military does this effectively through the academies and ROTC. Corporations need to contribute to make a college education and good job seem more glamorous.
Reward: More good students in college who don't have to work too much to stay there.

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nicholas anthony
Smart Cell Phone Printer Friendly Version
Many people go to certain places (ex. church, school, work) that require them to turn off their cell phones. Normally people attend these places on specific times and days. Why doesn't somebody make a program that will automatically turn off their cell phones (or turn vibrate on) during the specific days and times individuals are attending church, school, work, etc., so the individual doesn't have to. They would input the day and time they normally turn off their phone, and can forget about having embarrassing moments when their ring tone goes off in school or church.
Reward: The product and upgrades (and please notify me if you do this).

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