14 results found displaying 4-6
Michael D. Grissom
CreativityPool Pub idea Printer Friendly Version
Would anyone like to see a CreativityPoolPub forum where fun, creative, innovative people can go to talk about anything and everything but sex, religion, politics, spelling, and grammar? ...where icon drinks are served and humor, jokes, and cartoons are prevalent?... where rude, crude, and lascivious behaviour will NOT tolerated? ...like no other 'safe'

haven you can go on the internet?
This is a query so, let me know what you think! Throw some ideas into the pool.
I can visualize it now...
Reward: A Yard of Guiness ;)

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Musician Pet Printer Friendly Version
This toy would hook up wirelessly to handheld devices, find favorite music, and then produce simple variations on favorite songs, based on what the user (child or adult) says to the stuffed animal about the song. The point is to have a cheap alternative to robots, which do creative things, but with the advantage of being cuddly.
Reward: Maybe one of these electronics things will finally work for me - usually I have misgivings. Intangible / secondary reward.

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Judy Minehan
Finger-Pen Printer Friendly Version
To develop a plastic device to sit over a finger that enables people with a disability to write more easily or for chidren/artists to use in a creative way. The device would consist of a ball or nib protrubing from the tip of the finger with an enclosed inner well or wick of coloured ink/paint located under the finger. Children could wear pens on all fingers for a new form of finger-painting. Students could use them to underline key points while studying; bingo players and office workers would also find a use for the idea.

This idea has already been realized

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