45 results found displaying 10-12
"Whatever You Want" Restaurant Printer Friendly Version
People across the world strive for variety in food. When they go to one restaurant or order from one outlet one of the members in the group has to compromise since that member wanted food from the other outlet but since others are going to that particualr outlet he also has to follow them for company.
'Whatever You Want' is a restaurant or outlet where customers will be served from different restaurants or outlets from a single outlet. Benefit to the customer is he gets variety in menu not from single vendor but multiple vendors and delivery to customer will be at same time. A service fee needs to be charged from customer for variety and discounts could be asked from outlets and restaurants in the nearby area to get the business model working.
Logistics need to be worked out but I think this will certainly add a lot of vairety in once meal something like Burger from McDonalds, a Taco from Taco Bell and salad from local restaurant. By giving this service customer gets best of all in a single meal.
Reward: Recognition for the idea.

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Fantasy Movie Studio (like Fantasy Baseball) Printer Friendly Version
Create a "fantasy movie studio" entertainment/subscription site, similar to "fantasy baseball" (a sophisticated prediction game based on the real stats of a live MLB season). Partner with the Internet Movie Database for existing information --rather than collecting your own.
Rather than RBIs and other stats that baseball uses, use stats that apply to the entertainment industry like amount of money each actor brings in per picture, a "diva"/"temperment" scale (for qualitative information that effects quantitative results), etc. to determine how much money a film will bring in for "the team" --i.e., movie studio. Films can be picked from "in production" category in the IMDB. Users could also customize such features as creating their own film studio, negotiating contracts for actors, etc.
With this online entertainment/subscription service you could also build everything on your "team" from the actors to the director to the set designer.
Reward: Free subscription to the service and credit.

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Directory access to cell phone Printer Friendly Version
How about a service that would enable us to key in a phone number and send a message to the phone provider's server and it would reply with the details of that user.
Just like online people tracking.

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