26 results found displaying 13-15
Airy Caps Printer Friendly Version
Wearing a cap is my style: 1) I feel it like a crown on my head (king-like), 2) it safeguards my head from the sun heat n pollutions. But as the saying goes, uneasy lies the head that wears the crown, I find my head sweat wet when i remove my "crown". Nike, Reebok, Adidas, r u guys listening? I want a cap that is airy! A cap with micro holes/tubes that circulate trapped air to keep my head easy.
Reward: Brand the cap "SHANKI"

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 United Kingdom
Virtual clothes shop Printer Friendly Version
I hate clothes shopping.
Buying over the internet would be a good solution but there is the disadvantage of not being able to try stuff on. Ok, you could send stuff back if it didn't fit but that's a hassle.
The solution could be to put your measurements into a computer program that would generate a virtual model of your body. Items from various on-line shops could be dragged into your virtual wardrobe and tried on for size, style, colour, whatever then you can buy in the confidence that the clothes will be exactly what you want (unless you're a woman..... joke!).

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Clothing Brand Made by the People for the People Printer Friendly Version
Have a social media site that lets the users design logos, styles, and pick target markets, for a "Public Brand." It could be an American Idol type contest where the public gets to vote on the best logo, style, target market, etc. The winners would combine to launch a clothing line to the interested public. This could be done every year!
Reward: Free clothes for life!

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