39 results found displaying 22-24
Tracy Exnowski
My Medical Files Printer Friendly Version
Going to a variety of Dr's is normal for most people - people who move around alot or just can't in to see their Doctor. I am suggesting a Dr's Data Base! Your information from ANY Doctor you have seen would be recorded on this central data base that would, of course, be protected. Dr's would enter into it directly and every drug or diagnosis and blood test you have would be entered. This would allow the Dr's to see what previous Diagnosis you have had and perhaps you have a PRE-CONDITION that may actually be preventable - the Dr would know about it regardless of which Dr you go to. Also, for elderly people or those who are not up on what the Dr last told them - now becomes available to help this Doctor diagnose properly. Also those that doctor hop to get several Rx's will be caught. Statistics can be taken for research purposes. Only thing - we might have to send the Dr's back to school to learn to type but can anyone read their handwriting anyways - gee we are curing alot of things with this idea. Vote HOT IDEA for this one.
Reward: Improved Health for everyone

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nicholas anthony
Smart Alarm Clock Printer Friendly Version
Some people do not have 9 to 5pm Monday through Thursday work and/or school schedules. These people may have schedules in which on every Monday and Wednesday they have to wake up at 7 am, while on Tuesdays and Thursdays they wake up a 9 am. Other people may go to work for four days during the night, and then four days during the day. These people could use an alarm clock that can be preprogrammed to go off the time and days it should go off. They would input their schedule into the alarm clock, so it would know when to go off for up to a year. This initially long setting would save the person from everyday they have to change or set their alarm clocks. This would work great for all people, especially college students and people with odd schedules.
Reward: The product and upgrades.

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Liquid Contacts Printer Friendly Version
Tired of wearing glasses and looking like a geek but too scared to wear contacts? Tired of losing contacts, or can't wear contacts because of dry eyes? Well, liquid contacts would supposedly take care of that. If you had a bottle filled with your perscription, and then (being a 1 drop at a time controlled squeeze bottle) drop 1 drop in each eye. In 2 minutes, the contact either hardens, or maybe it just works as a liquid. No hassle with getting them in or out. After a certain number of hours, (strength varies by price?) the contact would dissolve and be useless. You wouldn't have to take it out and it would be real easy to put in. Having all the social stuff you have to deal with in school, I hate wearing glasses, but contacts are uncomfortable and annoying to put in.
Reward: Lifetime supply

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