196 results found displaying 25-27
Loud Danger Noise Maker For The Elderly Printer Friendly Version
Some type of machine, loud speaker, magaphone, or computer generated extremely loud noise making device to alert anyone near by at a very great distance. This could come with a light on the outside of the home or apartment to add to the effect. The light could come in different colors to indicate the level of danger or severity of the person's danger. It could change from a range of colors like red for the worst to green for the least for example. A push danger (or panic) button worn around the neck would activate this danger device. This device would only be of minimal cost and come without the large monthly payments like a danger button that you can buy now. Nothing else like this exists to alert the proper people to come and assist the person who needs help at this low of price. The disabled people of the world who have little money to spend would find this to be a better alternative to the expensive alert systems available today. Anybody with a disabling or potentially dangerous condition would love to have the feelings of safety that come with this kind of protection.
Reward: Mass distribution.

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Stop Answering Machines Wasting Our Money Printer Friendly Version
How often have you rung a telephone number, an answering machine replies, and you hang up because you don’t want to leave a message? Is it possible to design the system so the ringer is alerted by a particular ringing tone that an answering machine is switched on and will come on in say one minutes time if nobody answers the phone? We would then have the option of hanging up before the machine answers the call.
It would save a lot of money. For example, in Australia where I live, if ten million people make five such calls a year, that’s about ten million dollars simply wasted every year.
Reward: a free telephone with an answering machine!

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Multi-Purpose Hot Dog/Hamburger Loaves Printer Friendly Version
Using the same formula as is used when making hot dog or hamburger buns, you could make a multi-use loaf of standard looking bread but, with the hot dog hamburger formula and add in all that is needed to make the loaf of square bread work with hamburgers and hot dogs at the same time. You know that when we shop for bread we usually buy the regular kind and forget the hot dog and hamburger buns then we use the regular bread for hot dogs and hamburgers. Why not make all buns in loaves of bread that you could make everything out of from peanut butter and jelly to hamburgers. One type of standard loaf of bread with the hot dog and hamburger formula that would work with any sandwhich or anything else you would use bread for. More convienent than buying a bunch of buns and regular bread and it would save money and time and storage space. Hot dog and hamburger buns are expensive. We need to combine breads. We could use different hot dog and hamburger bun recipes and have dark or white or rye or any kind of bread/bun.
Reward: Credit

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