75 results found displaying 55-57
Toys, pets & children Printer Friendly Version
What parent can resist the pleadings of their children? And what do children want the most - toys and pets. A combination toy store/pet store - now if that wouldn't bring in children (& their parents with the cash), I don't know what would. Of course, the pets could only be obtained from reliable, known breeders - no "puppy mills." Also offered could be obedience classes, bicycle safety, "me & my dolly" tea parties, etc.
If this is already being done somewhere, at least it proves I'm not nuts (well - not totally).
Reward: Acknowledgment from the outside world to prove to my family that just perhaps one of my "crackpot" ideas isn't so crackpot after all.

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Michael D. Grissom
To advertise air-conditioning business Printer Friendly Version
Mount a sufficiently sized home air-conditioning unit and gas powered generator to power it inside of an old used panel van. Vent the condenser exaust out the bottom of the van. Cover the outside of the van in chicken wire to keep the inches of ice formed by humidity collection from breaking off and causing a road hazard. Use a top mounted billboard type sign to display "OVERKILL AIRCONDITIONING 555-1234" or "ICE MAN AIR 555-1234" (whatever) while you (dressed for winter) drive your big block of ice all over town OR... if you're in a great location, park it in front of the business and leave it running. One glance and prospective customers will never forget what you can do better than anyone else!

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McRestroom Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever needed the restroom so badly? You run from store to store and they all tell you that it's out of order? Well I've been thinking that they should open a chain of restrooms similar to McDonalds where you can buy a yearly membership card and have access to hundreds of these rest areas spread out throughout the country. You would have access to showers, toilets, baby changing area, nursing area, vending machines that sell toiletries etc. It's about time something is done to accomodate these conveniences which happen to apply to every human being - what do you think?
Reward: Just call this chain McRestroom!

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