75 results found displaying 19-21
Napping Lounges in Cities Printer Friendly Version
When I am out in the city, I often find myself with a couple of hours to kill before I need to be somewhere. Many of these times, I am really tired but have no where to sit and rest. It would be nice to have a lounge where you rent a bed or recliner out to take a nap. I know they have napping pods as a current product, so why not have a napping pod "bar". You pay for 20 minute intervals, get your rest, and move on with your day. They could offer extremely sanitary conditions, music of your choice, and possibly refreshments.
Reward: Free hour stay and a free franchise offer

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Movie theaters in airports Printer Friendly Version
With airport layovers and delays really common, why not have airport multi-plexes? They would have to be traveller-friendly with places for luggage, a variety of movie lengths with clearly stated ending times, comfortable seating and silent alert buzzers for travellers who might doze off.

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Any Movie At Any Time Printer Friendly Version
We have cable/sat companies making money off of pay per view, so why don't they partner with a big movie rental company like blockbuster or netflix, so that we can have a broader range of movies to rent from our TV's? Wouldn't it be nice to think about a movie and then be able to watch it with the click of the remote?
Reward: A year of free movies.

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