209 results found displaying 133-135
 United Kingdom
Bike Awareness Sensor Printer Friendly Version
How many times do we see bikers hurt or killed in accidents with cars? How many times has the reason been "I just didn't see them." from the car driver?
We all suffer from not being aware enough at times when on the road...maybe when tired, or when bored, driving down an endless motorway.
My idea is that there are sensors in the rear bumper of the car that check for items of bike size. It could either be done on size, or have bikes fitted with a partner sensor, so that when the signals meet, a light and warning beep sound in the car, to alert the driver that there is a biker behind them and to watch out as they will more than likely over / undertake them soon.
If there were 2 alert lights in the dashboard of the car, maybe under the indicator lights, then the corresponding side would illuminate, so that the driver would know from which side the bike was approaching.
Reward: 100% credit and the lives of many bikers saved.

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 United Kingdom
Car seats for back pain / arthritis sufferers Printer Friendly Version
You don't realise how easy it is to get into a car when you're fully fit and healthy. However, my dad has great problems with his back and finds getting into and out of cars difficult and either has to brace against the car seat and slide down or fall into the seat. A large car like a Disco or Landie would be ideal, but costly and far too big for my mum to handle. (She's just diddy. :D)
I'd like to see car seats that swing sideways out of the car and raise up, allowing the driver / passenger to seat themselves by simply sitting onto the seat, rather than down into. Once seated, press a button and the car seat lowers back down and swings into the car, where it locks onto its rails again, allowing it to be adjusted forwards and back as normal.
Reward: Recognition, plus these seats installed into whatever vehicle my parents are currently using.

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Fish Finder for My Car Printer Friendly Version
Whenever you see a TV report on floodings there's always some footage of cars that tried to make it down a road where the water turned out to be deeper than they thought, leaving them stranded. This device would prevent that. It would consist of 2 parts, one you hooked on to your front bumper and one that you left in your glove compartment until you needed it. When the need arose you'd pull the remote out of the glover and push a button. This would drop a rod down from the bumper device to the ground (it would have a small wheel on the end of it so it could roll). Once you reached the water the depth finder would look several feet ahead and compare the depth it found to the clearance under your car. If you couldn't make it a warning would flash on the remote. You could also turn the depth finder side to side to see if there was any way to make it down the road.
This device might be a little pricey but it would offer some major peace of mind to drivers like myself who run into roads like this a couple of times a year.
Reward: None required.

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