426 results found displaying 88-90
Commercial Channel Printer Friendly Version
Commercial Channel, a channel where they have something about commercial 24/7.
-Old commercials

-New ones

-Commercial talk-show

-Commercial Interviews

-Comeercial Buzz and games

-Hystory of brands

Preety much like MTV, but commercial is the word instead of music.
Reward: Let me know if someone put this in practise.

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Phone projection Printer Friendly Version
A mini projector built into a cellphone can display whatever is supposed to be displayed on the cellphone screen. When you combine this and that keyboard that can be used to write stuff on the cellphone it gets really comfortable.
Reward: A pat on the back

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Simple TV control Printer Friendly Version
This is a simple motion control/capture device to be retrofit over any TV (can be programmed) which allows the user to control the tv using simple hand gestures. For example wave up for volume up, down for volume down. Wave right for channel up, left for channel down. Great for couch potatoes. Can easilly be made with technology available today.
Reward: Credit.

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