426 results found displaying 148-150
Automatically adjust monitor display Printer Friendly Version
How about adjusting the computer monitor display automatically subject to current environment conditions... But it may require frequent adjustments in times when there is no fixed weather.
Reward: Whatever u feel...

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Treo/Blackberry Handle Printer Friendly Version
A velcro handle that fastens to the back of a Treo or Blackberry so if you forgot, or dont have handy your bluetooth ear piece, you can hold the device to your ear more easily during long conversations.
Reward: One handle.

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Electric Back Scratcher Printer Friendly Version
For many years I have hoped someone would create a Portable Electric Back Scratcher. I have imagined it would look something like a small floor lamp stand that would have a timer on it and would have adjustable height and size for the area of your back, and it would comfortably scratch my back until I fell to sleep. How relaxing this would be. No need for sleeping pills. What do you all have to say about this one?
Reward: My Reward: send me one of the first of the finished product.

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