129 results found displaying 58-60
Frosted Cereal Pop Tarts Printer Friendly Version
Make Pop Tarts out of different kinds of your favorite cereal and toast them in your toaster. Some good examples would be; Captain Crunch Pop Tarts, Wheaties Pop Tarts, Trix Pop Tarts, Super Hero (Type) cereal Pop Tarts, etc. Just pour out a glass of milk to drink along with it and you've got an instant, nutritional, full breakfast with out the bowl and the box and the final mess to clean up. You can also have them on the go when you're late for work or class!
Plus, the sugar is frosted onto the Pop Tart so, you don't need that sugar bowl pouring sugar on the floor the table or your family pet!
Reward: A box of these.

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Sandwich Roll-Ups Printer Friendly Version
We have all heard of fruit roll-ups, but if we use bread to roll up our sandwiches like peanut butter and jelly or bologna or any sandwich inside a continuous roll of any kind of bread, then we have no mess, easy to handle and consume product. We can have crust or no crust. You could even have submarine sandwiches or pita pockets or burritos or hamburgers or any kind of food substances arranged into this sandwich roll-up type product using kinds of bread instead of a tortilla or some other flour based eatable product encasing a sandwich.
Reward: Free food!

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Every Kind Of Chocolate Bar Printer Friendly Version
Simply find all forms of chocolate from everywhere that tastes different and put them all together in one bar. You could call it the "Around the World Bar". Also you could try and fit as many different kinds of chocolate bar ingredients into one bar. "The Everything in the World Bar".
Reward: Credit

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