129 results found displaying 121-123
Stephen F. Wrona
Popbeans Printer Friendly Version
I was wondering if some other types of foods, like beans, could be geneticly modified so that they could be made to "pop" like popcorn when they are heated.
O.k. you gene-iuses, make it happen!
Reward: Send me a bag of popbeans

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faisal quraishi
How to keep the fuzz in the pop always Printer Friendly Version
Ever had the experienced that you order a pizza and don't order the drinks thinking you have a 2 L soda that you bought from the market. As usual when the pizza arrived u open the bottle the pop goes flat.
Is there an agent or a chemical that's safe that you can add to instantly give you the fuzz you need for drink...? That would save the day. Let me know if someone can come up with somthing...
Reward: Finally I can eat my pizza with my pop.

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Silence the sleep Printer Friendly Version
We all know about caffeine and what it does to sleep. Hence if you want to wake up early you should drink coffee, but u can't do that while u r asleep can u ? But the caffeine in the coffee is capable of fighting the sleep.
So I present u all the concept of the Alarm Pill. Caffeine (or its substitute) should be packed in a pill. This pill should be such that it will melt completely only after say 6 hours such that caffeine will be released in us only after 6 hours (maybe 5 or 4 hours as required by the consumer). After the caffeine is released in us in 15 minutes it will reach our brain and voila we will be wide awake without an alarm.
P.S. Just don’t chew up the pill.
Reward: Search for "zyx" in CreativityPool.com and send email to everybody in your address book asking them to do the same; U have to do this because more the people know about this idea the better are its chances of being manufactured for u to use.

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