129 results found displaying 127-129
Hal Belknap
Water in the Desert Printer Friendly Version
Set up solar panels in the desert and use them to power a refrigerator unit: the water that normally forms as condensation on the cooling tubes and fins is collected, passed through filters and stored inside the refrigerated space!
Reward: H2O.

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Antonin Prohaska
 Czech Republic
Crash Test for Beer Mugs Printer Friendly Version
Did it ever happen to you that you touched glasses with someone and all that was left in your hand afterwards was the handle of your beer mug? I think that beer mugs should pass certain crash tests before they're allowed to be sold. Incidents to be tested: Harsh setting down on a stone table, frontal collision with another beer mug, and of course (very dangerous) lateral impact, which can easily occur with four or more beer drinkers at the same table. - Who knows, maybe future beer mugs will even be equipped with a crushable bin as standard?
Reward: Free beer or free beer glasses, whichever is more convenient.

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Stefan Micke
Infrared Detectors for Running Sushi Printer Friendly Version
Ever been to a running sushi bar? It's certainly a beautiful way to have dinner, but somehow I feel I can never fully relax: After all, I have to keep track of the food that's circulating, so I know which is fresh from the kitchen and which has already been on tour for half an hour (yuck!). Infrared binoculars could do the trick, but they are not very handy, and worst of all, they will draw too much attention. I would need a lighter and cheaper version that is adapted solely for this specific purpose.
Reward: Send me one. And don't tell anybody else. If everyone has one of those, they'll be entirely useless!!!

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