94 results found displaying 31-33
On the go grooming Printer Friendly Version
This item is mostly for on-the-go people. Business people who don't have a chance to freshen up before a meeting with disposable one time use deodorant strips, gel strips, toothpaste strips...etc. I know you have been on a date and wished you had gel for your hair, or after the gym needing a little deodorant or any other grooming aid.
Reward: credit and some strips

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Braces for Your Eyes Printer Friendly Version
Metal implants designed to retain perfect vision: When children are young and have perfect vision, scientists could implant a metal bulb (almost) shaped exactly like their eyes into their eye sockets (between their actual eye & eye scoket). Leave it in for life, and your eyes will never change shape and you’ll never lose your perfect vision. Your skull will grow around it, painlessly (hopefully). It's like braces for your eyes! (I admit, it's kind of dangerous, but with some research and careful design, it could work).
Reward: Product named after me and/or a job interning/working for the producing/manufacturing company.

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No-itch deodorant Printer Friendly Version
After I shave, I itch my armpits like a monkey. How about a deodorant/antiperspirant that contains a topical analgesic? I often put pain-reliever neosporin on my pits before I apply my deodorant, so why not one product that does it all.
Reward: A lifetime supply.

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