296 results found displaying 103-105
Toaster Alarm Printer Friendly Version
A toaster that has a nice but LOUD alarm that lasts longer than a little "ding" to alert you that your toast is up.
Reward: Getting one for nothing. Our toast gets forgotten a lot.

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Lighting up the Walls at Night Printer Friendly Version
Wonder if this idea might work.
Invent a paint that has a plastic or glass fibre base. The idea is that when it is painted on a wall a light source from a point can light up the paint thus illuminating the wall.
The effect is similar to fibre optics and some plastic strands which have been shown to be able to trap and channel light shone through its cross section.
This idea needs in-depth research but if successful the result can be most interesting.
Reward: Engage me as a inventor :-)

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Collapsible Bathtub Printer Friendly Version
Soaking oneself in hot water with some herbs or spa salt is a luxury that many cannot enjoy because of lack of space for a bathtub.
A collapsible bathtub similar in shape to the Japanese bathtub might help. It can be made from thick rubber.

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