296 results found displaying 106-108
Stair Snow Blower Printer Friendly Version
Having slipped down the stairs (more than once in my life) while shoveling snow, it occured to me that a snow blower the size of a swiffer or shop vac would be most handy. A light weight snow blower that cleans the stairs without bending and scraping and heaving heavy loads of snow from dangerous stairs.
Reward: I'd love to have one, someone please invent it!

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 United Kingdom
Hot water snake Printer Friendly Version
I hate draughts round the edge of my quilt but I hate being folded in tightly with blankets. My idea is a long thin hot water bottle that can be velcroed onto the underside of the quilt all the way round the edge. Holds down the edges of the quilt so no draughts and it warms you at the same time. Probably best if it wasn't quite at the edge but a little way in so it doesn't fall off and drag the quilt down. Or it could be velcroed to the sheet as well.
Reward: 1 kingsized hot water snake!

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Double Surrond Overflow Preventor For Pots Printer Friendly Version
When you boil or cook something in a pot, it will overflow whether you are watching it or not, and it usually does it when you're not around to watch it. If you add a second connected pot with a thicker bottom on the outside both connected at the bottom of the first pot, that will prevent burning. You add a lip to the inside pot into the outside pot (for overflow) the heat from the outside connected pot will super heat any overflow, preventing danger and most of all a big mess.
Reward: An Emeril or Grahm Kerr version.

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