78 results found displaying 31-33
Toaster Alarm Printer Friendly Version
A toaster that has a nice but LOUD alarm that lasts longer than a little "ding" to alert you that your toast is up.
Reward: Getting one for nothing. Our toast gets forgotten a lot.

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Double Surrond Overflow Preventor For Pots Printer Friendly Version
When you boil or cook something in a pot, it will overflow whether you are watching it or not, and it usually does it when you're not around to watch it. If you add a second connected pot with a thicker bottom on the outside both connected at the bottom of the first pot, that will prevent burning. You add a lip to the inside pot into the outside pot (for overflow) the heat from the outside connected pot will super heat any overflow, preventing danger and most of all a big mess.
Reward: An Emeril or Grahm Kerr version.

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Fridge Can Dispenser Printer Friendly Version
Now we all know there are "can dispensers" that are more like "can shelves" that go inside a fridge. But what about a real Dispenser that dispenses/rolls your favorite beer and soft drinks out the front with a push of a button.
Reward: One of these fridges and a couple of frosty beer mugs =)

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