105 results found displaying 49-51
Remote Control in phone Printer Friendly Version
There are many many times that you are one the phone and need to decrease the TV volume or Sometimes you lost your remote OR "I love to do that" control the club TV or your friend house.
Other Application is you do not need to change buttery, you just use the cell phone inferred.
Also, sometimes you want to overcome your kids power and limit them while they got the remote in hand.
Reward: please let me know if you find that program in JAVA or write it so me and other people use.

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Big Willie
Cell Phone Home Security Printer Friendly Version
Create a cell phone-based home security system. The system would include small, wireless video cameras hidden around a person's home, and a receiver (with a built-in telephone) that would continuously monitor the cameras. A person with a camera-type cell phone could call their receiver and monitor what the cameras were viewing. You could keep an eye on your property from anywhere, and call the police if you see someone breaking into your home. Of course, this idea requires the development of cell phone infrastructure technology capable of transmitting real-time video.
Reward: A free cell phone home security system/service. Also, the satisfaction of having helped lower the crime rate.

This idea has already been realized

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Treo/Blackberry Handle Printer Friendly Version
A velcro handle that fastens to the back of a Treo or Blackberry so if you forgot, or dont have handy your bluetooth ear piece, you can hold the device to your ear more easily during long conversations.
Reward: One handle.

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