105 results found displaying 19-21
Revolutionary headphones Printer Friendly Version
One of the biggest drawbacks of headphones is that they block oxygen supply to the ears. Hence when you use them more than a few hours a day you start getting ear related problems. So my idea is a head phone that won't give you any problems, even if you use them for 8 hours+ or more ( you know people in the service industry call centers etc , basically those people who are not audiophiles.)
These head phone will have two modes, simple (no amplification) and powered mode (sound amplified by an external source). Now the most important part . These will be absolutely non contact head phones i.e they will not touch any part of your ears. The mounting will have to be designed in such a way that both the speakers hang tightly near the ears without touching them. The head band will lock on the head over the ears and by using a special adjustment meter, the user can define the distance of each speaker from his ear lobe. Once the adjustment is done, the next time the user just wears the headphone and they fit exactly at the place where he wants without touching the ears. Have you tried this? Just take two speakers very close to your ears, don't touch them and listen to the rich surround experience that you get and your ears do not hurt. This is what the new head phone design will offer.
Reward: nothing

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 Saudi Arabia
Adjustable Phone Display Printer Friendly Version
I would like my cell phone to have its display be adjustable. That way, when I want to read an SMS, I don't have to put my glasses to see the message. This idea could be applicable for any LCD device.

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Voice controlled Cell Phone Printer Friendly Version
On my cell phone, I'd like a sensor which recognize my voice and automatically picks up the call if i say any particular word Like "hello" or "hey." Especially when I am driving or busy in kitchen. Also, it would be nice to disconnect the call using any word which has been already recorded in the phone sensors.

We have seen cell phones with a touch screen. Now I'd like to see a phone which is only voice activated. It would really help people to drive safely and enjoy talking while working.
Reward: Getting this product Free is a good Reward .

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