156 results found displaying 73-75
Play Matchmaker Website Printer Friendly Version
My idea is for a dating site where people could play matchmaker. It would basically be a typical dating site with profiles and searching. The major difference would be that people could take two profles from corresponding categories (ie. Men seeking Women and Women seeking Men) and match them up. If the people being matched liked the match they could give the matchmaker a score based on the match. The later matches would be weighted on the score of the matcher. You could also have an option to have a private profile that only friends could macth your profile with others. Like other sites direct email contact would be only with pay accounts. Unlike typical dating sites it would have a higher potential hit count since both singles and people in relationships could use the site. Singles for dating, people in relationships for matching.
Reward: Lifetime Account at the site

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Food Musicmatch Database Printer Friendly Version
I guess we all know that French Camembert goes well with red wine - but what kind of music should you play alongside? While Heavy Metal may be the wrong choice, Vivaldi could work better - but if you're not in the mood for classical music, what are your alternatives?
It should be easy to add this feature to the existing music databases on the internet. When you pop your CD into the computer's player, it usually tells you which album you're listening to and what's the latest on the band, so why not add some culinary info as well? Of course the possibility to do a reverse lookup would be even more important!
Reward: Being able to use this service for free (if it's not free in the first place)

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Website that teaches how to program Printer Friendly Version
How about a very interactive/fun website that teaches people how to program or make websites? Here's how it would work:
- Someone creates an account on the website. The account creation process would figure out where the person should go/start in the midst of all of these interactive tutorials. The same account could be used to add or edit existing tutorials (an approval system would be made). They can do as little as adding on a sentence to someone else's tutorial or create a flash application that would enhance how to create x with language y.
- There would be all kinds of interactive/fun tutorials ranging from HTML, Java, C++, web design, Photoshop, and so on. It would help people who think they don't have what it takes to make a good website or have what it takes to program. This will be the site's main purpose: to get more and more people better at this stuff seeing as how so many people are in need/desire of a website but in so many cases have to get other people to help them make it.
- There would be some kind of incentive to making tutorials or even going through the tutorials. That I don't know yet.
- The tutorials could contain mini games (whether they were simple text-based or bigger flash applications) that help introduce an idea or whatever.
Reward: I dunno.

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