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Vanity Scenes Printer Friendly Version
This idea combines the fact that people our willing to pay to get their name in print (vanity publishing) with the fact that movie studios are already willing to let companies pay for product placement. To make it work a production company or studio would offer a new product - people placement (names) in movies. Some of the details involved are listed below.
1. People would be charged an amount based on how big they wanted their name to appear on the screen. For instance, a name on the list of names an actor looks at on the call box outside of an apartment building would cost just a little, a poster advertising a new perfume in a subway station would cost more, an advertisement for the Wonderful World of Widgets on the side of a bus would cost even more, and at the top of the line you could up a billboard for John Doe's Pet Shop and Wholesale Meat Company.
2. The price of these people placements would be high enough to take care of whatever it cost to produce the actual display plus a reasonable margin.
3. Buyers would be able to pick the genre they want the name to appear in so if a guy was buying it as a gift for his girlfriend he could make sure her name showed up in a romantic movie and not a horror movie.
4. Allowances would made for deleted scenes. This could be handled by moving a name that's been used to the bottom of the waiting list and only dropping it off when it actually appears in a movie. If the scene the name was in gets deleted during editing then that name would move back up to the top of the list to make sure it made it to the big screen.

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Advertisement for a car Printer Friendly Version
This description is just about a "Car ad." Ok let's begin the story.
Scene-1: A car comes like a Rocket. The driver drives it very skillfully.

Scene-2: Every one seeing the car thinks of taking an autograph of the driver.

Scene-3: The car stops. The door gets opened. The driver keeps his foot out of the car. Exclamation mark, it is a dog, yes really it is dog.

Scene-4: Caption of the car, "So comfortable that every one can drive it."

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"Whatever You Want" Restaurant Printer Friendly Version
People across the world strive for variety in food. When they go to one restaurant or order from one outlet one of the members in the group has to compromise since that member wanted food from the other outlet but since others are going to that particualr outlet he also has to follow them for company.
'Whatever You Want' is a restaurant or outlet where customers will be served from different restaurants or outlets from a single outlet. Benefit to the customer is he gets variety in menu not from single vendor but multiple vendors and delivery to customer will be at same time. A service fee needs to be charged from customer for variety and discounts could be asked from outlets and restaurants in the nearby area to get the business model working.
Logistics need to be worked out but I think this will certainly add a lot of vairety in once meal something like Burger from McDonalds, a Taco from Taco Bell and salad from local restaurant. By giving this service customer gets best of all in a single meal.
Reward: Recognition for the idea.

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