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Stephen F. Wrona
Look- alikes web site Printer Friendly Version
How about an internet site where people could submit an electronic photo of themselves. (Perhaps two photos; one frontal facial, and one side facial.)
A computer would then analyze the photos and create groups of photos in which the members of the group look very much alike.
You could then log into the site and find someone who looks just like you. Who knows? You might discover that you are a twin and have never been told!
Then once a year, a look-alike get-together would be held, and people from all over the world would come to meet with their look-alike(s). Humans would then discover the powers of fractality. Yes, there is power in numbers. The body must come together.
Geneticists could be present at the get-together to make studies. For example: two people look amazingly alike. does this mean they are geneticly close matches?

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Express Line for Waiting on the Phone Printer Friendly Version
Some supermarkets have it: Folks who only buy three items or less can line up at an express counter so they can get out quickly and don't have to wait behind someone who is doing the monthly shopping for his family of six people.
The same principle should be used on the phone when you call the computer helpline or your social security company and they ask you to "please hold the line" for half an hour or more. I would like to see an option for "express calls": you would get to talk to a live person much quicker, but the phone call whould be limited to one minute (after that, you would be automatically disconnected). This would be enough time to ask very simple questions, for anything more complicated you would have to go the long way.

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Automotive Repair E-Books Printer Friendly Version
Simple, painless: Pay, and download. A supersite covering virtually every Make and Model, with a complete automotive repair E-book detailing the car as a rebuild... Much like the books you buy at the auto parts store. With books costing around 15-20 bux, one could easily charge $10 for E-books. There is nothing like this on the Internet today, even Chilton's Online only has these stupid interactive CD's you can order... Who cares, who wants to wait 2-4 weeks when the car is sitting in the driveway, broken? Keep it small, under 5 megs, hell, use Adobe format if you must. Trust me, and if you don't believe me, try and find, sometime, how to replace a throttle cable on a 1988 Thunderbird LX... You'll see what I mean, it's just not possible.
P.S.: Not for the feeble-minded, a site like this would take a *ton* of work.

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