156 results found displaying 151-153
Kornelia Micke
"Eat my Meal"-Agency Printer Friendly Version
Do you know this embarrassing situation? You are sitting in a restaurant and having a good time, but suddenly you realize that the food on your plate is way too much! Even worse, your meal is so delicious that you wouldn't want to offend the cook by sending half of it back. So what can you do? That's where the "Eat my Meal"-Agency comes into play. Just pick up the phone and dial their number - shortly after, one of their guys walks into the restaurant, sits down beside you and clears your plate with a smile. In the paid edition of this service, your rescuer might be a handsome looking man or woman with good manners and conversational skills, but I can also think of a free trial version where they send you a bunch of hungry students. :-)
Reward: I want to use this service for free, of course.

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Online Literature Printer Friendly Version
How about setting up a website where authors that normally would never be published could publish excerpts of their work? Then, if people like it, they may pay for a downloadable version of the whole thing. Authors could set the price per copy as whatever they feel their work is worth - maybe there could be some sort of bidding system? The site could take a small percentage of sales. And on the same site, perhaps if some agents or publishers would periodically list their submission guidelines and post notes about what they are buying and looking to buy?
Reward: If this really happens, post a note on the message board!

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Cati König & Franzi Trost
Diabetic Punch Printer Friendly Version
We were on so many Christmas-markets this year and we realized that there is no punch or hot wine for diabetics. Why not? Maybe this would be a good idea!
Reward: Free punch for our grandmothers!

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