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krishan arora
Heat transfer from vehicle engines Printer Friendly Version
Harnessing the Waste Heat Energy of the Vehicle Engines
A very large part of the fuel energy that is consumed by the vehicle engines (and other combustion engines) is wasted in the form of heat which has to be removed perforce by forced cooling.
It should be possible to use this heat energy, instead of wasting it, in several innovative ways to add value to the vehicle and increase the overall fuel efficiency of the vehicles by taking over some of the functions which presently need to draw additional power from the engines.
A few examples are:
-A heat transfer liquid filled coil could draw away the waste heat from the engine and transfer it for warming up the interiors, and the wind/rear screens of the vehicles in winters/cold weather.
-The heat transfer system could be used to warm up snacks/food being carried for the journey.
-The heat transfer system could also be used to boil water, with probably some incremental heating, either for sterilizing the drinking water or for providing a hot cup of tea or coffee during the journey.
-The heat transfer system could be used to vaporize a low boiling point liquid and run a gas turbine, akin to the systems being used in the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion method of energy generation. The power so produced could be used to run electric motors to drive the vehicles, thereby saving on fuel consumption. This of course would be possible only in fuel/electric hybrid vehicles. In other vehicles this power could be used for battery charging, heating/cooling of the vehicles, or for any other applications needing electric power.
-The waste heat energy from the engines could also be used as the main heat source for a mini Vapor Evaporative Cooling System to provide for air conditioning the vehicles. This may need a small supplemental heating up of the working fluid to achieve the minimum working temperature but the system would subsequently provide a much larger fuel savings by allowing for smaller engines to be used in the vehicles.
Reward: No reward wanted. In fact I may be able to offer several other ideas for those wanting to make use of the above ideas.

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 Dominican Republic
Eyes on top Printer Friendly Version
Let's say there is a device that identifies certain frequencies and their origin. Put one of them in the top of each light post (or at least one in three) and a camera. Then adjust this device to detect the noise of a gun shot. It will activate the camera aiming towards the noise source. It could help to identify criminal situations and will stop crime somehow, since they will know that can be viewed.
Reward: Safer streets

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Amusement Parks For Physically Challenged And The Elderly Printer Friendly Version
If we can design rides and themes of the eras that once were but are now forgotten (20's, 30's, etc.) then we could entertain those who (how ever rude this may sound) live in their past like most everybody else of all ages, then we could have entertainment billed for a large audience not seen using modern technology to enhance the past. An audience of millions not taylored to yet making this a very lucrative business opportunity. The two don't often go together, but "Gone With The Wind" on a roller coaster that can go any speed, accomodate any size or weight of person and have panic stop buttons as well as extra support from personal guides and the equipment itself I think we can all live it up once in a while, and the many growing retirement homes could have great group rates making going there a little more exciting.
Instead of a short cartoon and "It's a small World after all" playing we could have the ultimate old time experience with advanced and enhanced films and documentaries from all the past you can handle. You might even want to have special days for every decade. With walker and wheel chair accessibility on every thing (including the rides), you could give those in their late years a renewed spirit for what once was that was created for the better, for the younger generations to enjoy in relative safety from the dangers of the past.
Reward: Too see that our lesser seen are in the lime light at least once in a while instead of hidden from society.

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