145 results found displaying 142-144
Mary E. Lloyd
Generating Electricity from Waste Water Printer Friendly Version
This one's especially for California - I have had this idea for years: As the waste water approaches the treatment plant, have it hit by a ring of laser beams. This will create steam which will turn the turbines to make the electricity. What remains will be germ free but good for topsoil, making soccer fields etc...
Reward: Provide a garbage disposal system for Berat, Albania.

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PR Klein
Reuseable Flood Barrier Printer Friendly Version
The current practice of guarding against flooding into buildings is to fill and stack sandbags. This is labor intensive and presents the problem of disposing of the fill sand/dirt. The suggested invention is an inflatable hose-like vinyl/plastic/rubber material that could be uncoiled around the structure and filled with water to act as a barrier. Inasmuch as the hose is filled with water, it could float away when surrounded by water. Therefore, the hose is actually triangular shaped with heavier material bonded to the base side. The barrier could be emptied and re-curled after use. The cross-section design, weight and type of stabilizing material and ability to make connections of sections are variables for different heights of protection.
Reward: Seeing people triumph over tragedy would be great. Accolades would be nice, too.

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 United Kingdom
Instant Homes Printer Friendly Version
I am hoping for someone to create a "jelly mould" concept type of home to solve the problem of homelessness in the world - surely a mould could be made and then injected with material which would harden and then allow cutouts to be made for doors, windows.....etc.... It would be basic, but a whole new world for those without.
Reward: Peace and love on earth amongst all nations and creeds.

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