80 results found displaying 37-39
Injectable Athletic Enhancer Printer Friendly Version
With my version of Athletic Injectables, it does no damage and is not a steroid. Simply a cocktail of chemicals for a workout or run that lasts much longer and is totally pain free. Those chemicals are a liquid oxygen, glucose, and one chemical to destroy all acid build up which is what causes you to feel pain when running or working out because, the acid is what is felt as the burn and causes you to stop working out, lifting weights, or running.
All cells turn all chemicals from food and drink into glucose as the burnable fuel so, you could eat some too and if injected the cell gets instant energy directly to the muscles. Eatable Glucose is available but you would want to watch the blood sugar level or you could get sick. The liquid oxygen has to be in non-lethal non-poisonous form. Other than that, it would be a wonder and a modern miracle to all athletes. And when the track marks heal, there would be no evidence that you used this training tool.
Reward: Credit

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Muscle Building Pills Printer Friendly Version
Muscle building pills that keep a constant stress and strain by tensing the muscle structure allowing no relaxed muscles throughout your workout. Or take them for exercise without movement. You can exercise while you watch TV or sit or in any situation without moving. Your workout will be extremely effective and increase your size and definition in your muscles. No pain no gain.
Reward: Credit

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The Swimming Stroke Counter Printer Friendly Version
The Stroke Counter would be a belt that ties around the chest of a swimmer with two sensors on each side underneathe the armpit. The sensor then would count the number of stokes the swimmer was taking. It would count each time the shoulder would rub up against the sensor. It would work in every stroke. The benefit would be that swimmers could now see how many strokes they're taking each length. The goal would be to see how many strokes you're taking per length and then try to cut that number down to the fewest number of strokes possible. Therefore finding the least amount of strokes being the most efficient. Benefit any age swimmer up to the most competitive.
Reward: Getting this product for free

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