64 results found displaying 43-45
Giant Plane Safety Parachute and Balloon Printer Friendly Version
Many people these days fear for their lives when travelling on planes due to the fact that thier safety and emergency features just aren't good enough.
Some planes have two engines some have only one. Let's say all the engines are down. The plane usually goes crashing to the ground due to engine failure.
Maybe if i design some kind of giant parachute twice the size of an airplane which can be opened during an emergency which would help the plane glide safely to the ground.
In case of emergency landing on water.
To prevent the plane from crashing into the water. the parachute will first help slow down the pace of the aircraft and allow pilots to control the landing angle.
A giant air bag which can be designed to blast open at the bottom of the plane so it stays afloat the ocean upon landing.
And even if the plane does crash into the water, if the impact didn't split the plane, the baloon at the bottom will bring the plane to the surface of the water.
Reward: Many lives will be saved. Safer more ensured journey.

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Soft Curbs Printer Friendly Version
As far as I know, there is no reason why street curbs are as hard as concrete. In former days, people probably didn't have different materials, but today?
Hard curbs only ruin your car tires, and if there's a street festival and you end up sitting on the curb for a while, your behind will start aching in no time at all. So why not make street curbs from a material that's softer, yet durable and easy to clean?

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Planes Security Protocol Printer Friendly Version
I read about the remote controlled planes, I think that a video surveillance system will make a lot easier the decision to take the control from the flight crew. Hidden cameras in hot spots of the plane will tell to the traffic control centre, where the plane is in that moment, if is any security risk on board. Any discrepancies in the plane trace should pop-up images from that plane on the monitor next to the radar screen of the controller in charge in that moment. From flight crew point of view, in case of emergency, they can ask for ground support, just pushing a button. And if the remote control centre is in NORAD, let say, hard to be hijacked.
Reward: A job would be nice!

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