81 results found displaying 7-9
Charity Personality Printer Friendly Version
My idea is for a website for people wanting to either do charity work or donate to a charity, but aren't sure which charity is best for them.
This website will match your personality with a charity you may like. The person wishing to donate will fill out a questionnaire. This information is loaded into a data base that matches the person to an appropriate charity. The website will generate income through advertising.
Reward: 30% ownership in the concept is the reward for a website designer/developer.

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Indexical Programming with Preferences Printer Friendly Version
An index concept of programming incorporating AI-learned preferences to create functional and quickly accessible category options.
As a basis for this, opposites can be used as a basic conceptual framework for determining modes and contexts that constitute areas of functionality that have exclusivity.
The menu format makes major errors easily correctible.
Reward: I'd like to see consumer-level editions of this for designing books, artwork, etc.

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Voice Activated Web Sites Accessible from your Cell Phone Printer Friendly Version
Access any web site and be automatically verified through voice recognition technology. Just speak into you cell phone and your browser will navigate to the site of choice. It will also log you in (as applicable). Other voice developments could include the ability to purchase, trade, bid, on financial or commercial sites (eBay, Amazon, your bank).
Reward: Actually safer than any other access!

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