61 results found displaying 34-36
Interactive Coin Collecting Book Printer Friendly Version
I see lots of coin collecting software out there. My idea to create a coin collecting book with the coin spots that can be connected to the computer. The computer could tell which spots you have filled and automatically catalog your coins.
An internet site could be created to retrive the value of your collection.
Reward: To see it developed.

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Stig Bakke's brother Stig
Virtual Map Pins Printer Friendly Version
So after Stig returned from Iceland, he thought it would be kind of cool to put up one of those big maps with pins in all the places he had been (he traveled via Panama City and Osaka). Unfortunately, Stig doesn't have any free wall space.
After we argued for a bit about whether he should take down his ancient Def Leppard poster, we agreed that being able to do this on a computer would save a lot of space. There are plenty of map programs, but are there any that allow you to insert virtual pins?
Reward: Full credit for the idea, a copy of the software, and some new socks.

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 United Kingdom
Advanced hearing aid Printer Friendly Version
My wife is hard of hearing, even with a new digital hearing aid she has trouble to hear the phone, door bell etc. My idea is to use a PC/software linked to the various peripherals and then using a wi-fi like transmitter to broadcast to a specialized hearing aid. The transmitted data could be code to the hearing aid so this would activate a sound file in the hearing aid. Anything could be linked like door bell, baby alarm, cooker, fire alarm etc. etc.

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