74 results found displaying 46-48
Oriented Strand Board Type Paint Process Printer Friendly Version
Using the same technology as the house building products, Oriented Strand Board (Artificial Ply Wood), you can make a tray with many electro-magnetic contact points and paint fused with magnetic particles, like iron powder, and the paint will flow randomly around the page, making new pictures each time. A great kid's toy that could include touch points that the child could touch and activate where the paint goes on the paper or canvas or what ever they want to paint on.
Reward: Credit

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Eliminate Printed Ads/Coupons from Mail Printer Friendly Version
Almost everyday I get home and find page after page of ads and coupons in my mailbox. I immediately discard this physical "spam" in the conveniently placed recycle bin, which is full of the same ads that my neighbors in my apartment complex have thrown away.
It seems that most people don't even glance at these ads and it is a huge waste of paper (not to mention extremely annoying sifting through to make sure you don't throw any important mail away). I propose initiatives to cut back, if not eliminate, this daily waste of our needed resources. We have spam filters for email. Why not do the same for mail?
Reward: Feedback and any progress updates

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Truely Permanent Markers Printer Friendly Version
If you write with permanent ink markers available in today's market onto plastic containers and other various materials that do not have a paper like quality to fully obsorb the ink, then the ink will eventually wear off. Who hasn't marked baking goods plastic containers or Holiday plastic boxes just to see that the writing from the permanent marker has worn off, and now you don't really know what it contains 6 months later and you have to rewrite the contents on it again. You also have to open everything and look inside to see what it is. If you use an acid based etching type of ink then it would soak into plastic and other formerly impervious materials and truely be permanent as intended.
Reward: A supply in all neon colors!

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