52 results found displaying 25-27
Rubina Khan
 United Kingdom
Moulded Child Safety Seats Printer Friendly Version
Well it's a simple idea and i am not sure if it hasn't been tried already or not (maybe someone can tell me).
Basically it is a child safety seat that is moulded into the passenger seat of a family car. But can still be used as a normal passenger seat for adults (removable cover). I am sure it could be a valuable feature to sell cars with this built in them as an option.
Reward: Well this is a profit making product for car manufacturers. so i would like a percentage of it to go towards children charities - specifically orphans. Maybe an International childrens trust of some sort.

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Child Drowning Necklace Alarm Printer Friendly Version
A necklace that needs to be out of water periodically or it sets off an alarm that is installed by the pool. Now that would save some lives. Something colorful that the kids would wear.
You could calibrate it by having the child staying under water as long as they can, then setting that as a maximum time before alarm goes off. Thanks. Please, somebody get rich with this idea for the sake of the kids.
Reward: hearing that the government has made these mandatory for children in pools because they save lives.

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Anti car speaker system Printer Friendly Version
Ever hate those annoying folks who drive by your house with their bass system shaking your windows, walls, and floor? Waking up your children, preventing you from studying? The government has laws about regulating noise in residential areas but rarely enforced. What better way to enforce these laws with an EMP gun turret.
Mount this bad boy on a telephone pole in a residential area. When a driver passes by with audio levels prohibited in neighborhoods, the turret locks onto the car and fires an EMP blast. This will disable the car, the stupid car stereo, and anything else electrical.
Reward: sleep

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