14 results found displaying 1-3
Room Rounder Printer Friendly Version
We seem to spend the majority of our time in square environments filled with 90 degree right angles. A standard room in a typical live/work structure is designed with walls joined together at 90 degree angles (ie. a square room with 4 walls). I once heard of a study which found that people tend to feel more 'creative' and relaxed in curvilinear or 'natural' environments. It makes sense to me that 'we' as creative 'beings' would function better in environments that would better support our inherent nature.
I propose a floor to ceiling rounded (concave) 'corner insert' for the home or office transforming ones interior space into a 'softer' more creative environment. People would install the 'Room Rounder' after market without the help of a contractor.
Reward: credit

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Post-It-Note Folder Printer Friendly Version
A booklet with hundreds of plastic pages to stick all your Post-It-Notes. You could make an organizer out of it or daily office arrangement or get creative with the types of pages.
Reward: Credit

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Arlo Vander
New Word Printer Friendly Version
Ever wonder where new words come from? Especially with terms dealing with everyday life and culture, by the time they're widely accepted, there's often no way to trace their origins. Let's change that by introducing a new word right here on this site:
Pooly - adj., interesting or intriguing in a cool and creative way
Let's all try to use this word once a week in everyday conversation or in writing, and see how quickly it spreads.
Reward: Entertainment value!

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