16 results found displaying 1-3
Self-cleaning toilet bowl Printer Friendly Version
This will work like a self clean oven where it sprays the cleaning (foam) in the bowl it sits for a minute then by means of heat the bowl is clean and it will also have a self heated toilet seat.
Reward: I would love to get one free for my brother, mother and myself

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Better Tasting Breast Milk Printer Friendly Version
There are many health benefits to a baby drinking fresh breast milk directly from the mother. But, sometimes they wont feed. I did some serious research and it turns out that changing the taste of the milk before it comes out is very easy to do. Breast milk inside a woman can change it's taste by many factors. They are certain drugs (prescription) and chemicals that alter the flavor. Also, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine change the flavor.
We just need to find a safe drug and chemical mixture to make the milk taste sweet or better to the baby so that it craves the fresh breast milk from the breast directly. If the baby likes the taste of the milk coming out then it will drink more and grow faster and be healthier. A mother's breast will produce more than enough milk to feed a baby. It is just getting the baby to drink enough. If we find the right, safe, combination or alteration to a drug or chemical to make the milk taste better than we have a brighter future for our children. We can manufacture pills that the mother could take every day that would alter the flavor from natural to fresher or better or sweeter or whatever a baby likes best to taste. Better tasting milk makes a much happier baby!
Reward: Credit

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Colored White Out Printer Friendly Version
White out only comes in white and I am a mother and have had helped my kids with projects with colored poster board, but I ran into a problem when we had made a mistake on the poster board. The only option we had was to white it out or start over on a new piece of poster board. White out on colored poster board looked tacky. So I thought why not have white out made for colored paper. So with this colored white out, mistakes made could be covered with a very similar color and then mistakes are less noticeable and even more fun.
Reward: Help in creating colors for the new white out

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