54 results found displaying 4-6
April Heather Boles
Receipt Storer Card Printer Friendly Version
I get so sick of having to keep up with all receipts. And hearing my mom fuss about not being able to find a receipt in the huge barrel she has of them. And let's face it she is the queen of returns but they won't even hardly exchange things anymore without a receipt. Even if you do find the one you are looking for it is likely not even readable because of the fading ink. So why not have some kind of card or chip that can store receipts on it. Like one card maybe a credit card type that a store can scan and it will have a record of things you have bought at that store for maybe the last year. I just think this is a great idea and would love for it to become a reality.
Reward: I really don't know. I don't have any high expectations. I would like for my name to be associated with the product. But if I was offered money I sure wouldn't turn it down. LOL!!

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Limited Credit Exposure for Internet Purchases Printer Friendly Version

1- not everyone has a credit card

2- many people are afraid of 'rip off' activity on the internet.
Solution: Market an internet 'top up' scratch card, exactly like they do for pre pay mobile phones, these can for simplicity be in various denominations to match the intended purchase.

a- the rip off risk is limited to the amount of the voucher

b- people will have full confidence in the transaction

c- no need for high levels of encryption

d- the vendor has security of payment

e- the revenue is up front

f- the software and admin are already created in the mobile phone industry.

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Airport Cinema Printer Friendly Version
For those of us who don't have access to a golden credit card lounge, sitting at the airport and waiting for a flight can be extremely dull. Why not offer airport cinemas?
At the entrance to the cinema, you'd have your boarding card digitally scanned. For that, you get a wrist band with an alarm that alerts you when boarding for your flight is about to begin. Airport cinemas might even prove as an incentive so people turn up at the airport in a timely fashion.
Reward: Free entrance to the cinema

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