52 results found displaying 4-6
Anthony Woodhead
 United Kingdom
Child protection location device Printer Friendly Version
During the last few months there has been a rush of child abductions in the U.K. Most of these cases conclude in quite tragic circumstances. A case this week in Cambridge, which involved two ten-year-old friends, led me to the following idea.
The police didn’t pursue a case of abduction until three days had passed. By this time the children could be anywhere.
I don't want to be seen as profiteering on these tragedies nor do I wish to use scare tactics in advertising, but the truth is technology is available today that, with a little adapting, can save a lot of time and lives and in some cases prevent this sort of thing happening altogether.
Allot of us have cars with GPS location or tracking. There are even battery powered personal location devices available on the market. Pets are fitted with id chips, criminals are tagged, and yet the most precious commodity that the human race can produce is left to fend for itself. There is a global market of children who need to be protected, and we can do something about it.
What would it take to develop these devices for the protection of our children?

Please contact me for further information.

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Ryan Bayer
Hallway motion sensor light Printer Friendly Version
My invention is a small night light that plugs into the wall. When you walk by a dim light comes on. This will also have an on/off switch. This would be useful for when you get up in the middle of the night and our going to get a glass of water or something. Having this be a motion sensored light only your pets, children and other relitives can sleep in darkness. It will be a dim light so it will not hurt your eyes. Everyone knows there is nothing worse than either running into a wall in the middle of the night and waking your family up or turning on a bright light and waking up your family and hurting your eyes.
Reward: A nintendo gamecube

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Anti car speaker system Printer Friendly Version
Ever hate those annoying folks who drive by your house with their bass system shaking your windows, walls, and floor? Waking up your children, preventing you from studying? The government has laws about regulating noise in residential areas but rarely enforced. What better way to enforce these laws with an EMP gun turret.
Mount this bad boy on a telephone pole in a residential area. When a driver passes by with audio levels prohibited in neighborhoods, the turret locks onto the car and fires an EMP blast. This will disable the car, the stupid car stereo, and anything else electrical.
Reward: sleep

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