360 results found displaying 4-6
Removable Menu Items in Restaurant Printer Friendly Version
This is one of the ideas where everyone I tell it to always agrees it would be great, but it still hasn't been implemented just YET. So, if you are able to get it done right, it's your chance to become famous!
The invention yet to be made is a restaurant menu that you can gradually whittle down to what you would actually like to eat. More often than not, people go through a menu and can't decide what they want, but at least they know what they DON'T want. To help the process, it would be great to be able to eliminate those dishes that you have ruled out, so you can more easily decide between what's left.
The obvious solution would be some kind of touchscreen where you can simply click away menu items - but that's actually way to expensive for most restaurants (imagine every menu being a computer!), plus, it might actually frustrate customers - well, at least it would frustrate my Grandma.
So how about an analogue solution for a change? Simple tabs that you can push in, leaving those menu items marked that you might still want. There are still various issues to be solved, however: The waiter, for instance, needs to be able to reset the menu quickly for the next customer, plus, the whole setup needs to be appealing and not look like the gritty sheet of some dock worker who's trying to keep track of his warehouse.
Reward: Free restaurant visits would be nice!

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PoliStats Printer Friendly Version
PoliStats works in much the same way as football game statistics. Whenever you're watching a football game they are able to pull up amazing statistics about each player, each team, how many times a team has lost in their home arena during a given month. The stats are amazing. Why not have statistics and facts pulled up during political debates--how a candidate actually voted previous to the bologna that he's currently spouting, what their charitable donations are, what organizations or corporations donated to their campaign, which lobbyists they associate with etc. This would give the viewing public a much clearer picture of who the candidate actually is, rather than relying soley on the lies they are spewing at the moment to gain votes. This would also give the commentators much more interesting lines of commentary.
Reward: better information before voting, trapping candidates in lies and obfuscation, better representation of facts and figures.

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Eliminate Printed Ads/Coupons from Mail Printer Friendly Version
Almost everyday I get home and find page after page of ads and coupons in my mailbox. I immediately discard this physical "spam" in the conveniently placed recycle bin, which is full of the same ads that my neighbors in my apartment complex have thrown away.
It seems that most people don't even glance at these ads and it is a huge waste of paper (not to mention extremely annoying sifting through to make sure you don't throw any important mail away). I propose initiatives to cut back, if not eliminate, this daily waste of our needed resources. We have spam filters for email. Why not do the same for mail?
Reward: Feedback and any progress updates

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