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Andre Kim
 South Korea
The Mind Map Search Engine Printer Friendly Version
The current search engine is quite bothersome. When searching for a particular subject, the results will not appear in one screen, rather, in many different pages in different categories, such as websites, images, and videos. So when we want to search for a particular subject, no matter what form it is in, either an image or a website, we have to continuously click on the categories that opens up a new page, and endlessly scroll down until we find the preferable result.
To fix this nuisance, the search engine should be designed like a mind-map. Each category will take form of a bubble. The main bubble, on the middle, will have the most relevant results from all categories and the connected sub-bubbles will have results of specific categories, such as websites, images, and videos. So, instead of continuously scrolling down and clicking on a new page, the results will all fit in one screen, making it easier for us to find our results.

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Motivation software Printer Friendly Version
Develop a computer program that ultimately works to keep you motivated and consistent in your healthy living. Many times in sports fitness people find it hard to continue if they don't see results right away. Another problem is people don't notice how much of a change their body is making because they see it every day. This program would help to solve these things..
The program would work like this:

1. You have to get some sort of generic photo of yourself that you put into the computer as is.

2. You enter your current statistics, heights, weight, age.

3. The computer performs a scan of your body, determines your body type (endomorph, ectomorph, etc), it presumes your body fat percentage and gives you a full readout on your current condition.

4. It will then be able to give you readouts and images of the possible changes your body can undergo through following a prescribed workout and diet plan. In 6 weeks you could look like this: and it would have a picture of you with the according changes in fat and muscle growth. This could work both ways in fact. If you start dieting and working out in 6 weeks you will look like this. However if you eat so and so a diet from fast food you will look like this in 6 weeks.

5. It could give you frequent updates on what you should be looking like, and you can compare that to your in the mirror results to see if you are on track.

6. It could be incorporated with specific workout routines and diet tips to help you stay exactly on track.

7. You could update new photos of yourself as the weeks went by. If your "ideal" created by the computer was 100%, then the program could scan your updated pictures and tell you how near to that 100% you are. For example, after 3 months you are almost exactly what the original computer image had posted, and are at 90% of your ultimate fitness level.
There could be alot more added to this, but the main idea is that you would gain a mental image of what you could possibly look like. With this in mind you would likely be much more goal oriented and consistent in trying to attain that level of fitness.

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Never shovel snow again! Printer Friendly Version
Hate shoveling the walk-way, porch or driveway? Small heated coils that would run under your concrete walk way or driveway (heating the concrete or pavement just above freezing temperature to keep snow, or ice from building up, saving time, money and slipping and falling) would eliminate having to stand out in the cold and run a snow blower, shovel or the expensive daily bill of having someone plow for you.

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