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Kevin Leung Cheuk Pan
 Hong Kong
Powerless Inertia propulsion craft Printer Friendly Version
Nowaday, The US has the most sophisticated spacecraft. But it hasn't ever developed a transport that can use very little energy.

To overcome the grativational force of Earth, people have to apply a lot of thrust to encounter it to go to space.
But why don't we try to change things around? I believe (although seems impossible) there are two methods to propel the rocket without fuel.
First, scientists can find method to stop a tiny area's gravitational force, then we can just a apply a tiny force to push things up since net force is zero.
Second thing is to stop a tiny area on the Earth to stop rotating suddenly. Due to inertia, the rocket in the specific region will start to move with the Earth rotation speed (A HUGE ONE!).
Personally, i feel that the second is pretty cool.
Reward: Let me be the one who ride on this rocket. Invite me to research in these things.

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Better Tasting Breast Milk Printer Friendly Version
There are many health benefits to a baby drinking fresh breast milk directly from the mother. But, sometimes they wont feed. I did some serious research and it turns out that changing the taste of the milk before it comes out is very easy to do. Breast milk inside a woman can change it's taste by many factors. They are certain drugs (prescription) and chemicals that alter the flavor. Also, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine change the flavor.
We just need to find a safe drug and chemical mixture to make the milk taste sweet or better to the baby so that it craves the fresh breast milk from the breast directly. If the baby likes the taste of the milk coming out then it will drink more and grow faster and be healthier. A mother's breast will produce more than enough milk to feed a baby. It is just getting the baby to drink enough. If we find the right, safe, combination or alteration to a drug or chemical to make the milk taste better than we have a brighter future for our children. We can manufacture pills that the mother could take every day that would alter the flavor from natural to fresher or better or sweeter or whatever a baby likes best to taste. Better tasting milk makes a much happier baby!
Reward: Credit

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Political candidate background information database Printer Friendly Version
We need a website that lists all registered candidates for upcoming elections and that provides potential voters with as much information on each candidate as possible, such as their:
-voting history, if already a politician


-affiliations and associations

-criminal record

-stance on issues (major and minor)

-articles written about them

-awards, commendations, etc.

-criticisms of their actions and policies




-any controversy involving them or their actions or those of their associates

This website must meet the following criteria:


-does not recieve corporate or political funding/contributions

-non-partisan, and as unbiased as possible

-moderated and cross-referenced for accuracy

-easily accessible to anyone


-easy to navigate

-well 'advertised' via public service announcements to maximize awareness of the service
The idea here is to educate and thoroughly inform voters so that they know all about who they are voting for, so as to not get screwed by greedy or flip-flopping politicians. We need third-party information that is more trustworthy (fact-based) than what the politicians speak of themselves, because they will often say anything to get voted into office. Once they are in, they can do whatever they want even without the approval of the people who voted for them; so being able to estimate a candidate's pros and cons can be an invaluable tool in ensuring true democracy and representation.
I hate voting because I never know anything about 95% of the people on the ballot and therefore vote for the most familiar name (which is almost always the candidate with the biggest campaign budget) or based on party affiliation. I always feel like I'm giving my car keys to someone I just met...not a good idea; And it is way too hard and time consuming to research all the given candidates.
Reward: informed votes = more accurate representation = better politics!

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