10 results found displaying 4-6
Advertisement for a car Printer Friendly Version
This description is just about a "Car ad." Ok let's begin the story.
Scene-1: A car comes like a Rocket. The driver drives it very skillfully.

Scene-2: Every one seeing the car thinks of taking an autograph of the driver.

Scene-3: The car stops. The door gets opened. The driver keeps his foot out of the car. Exclamation mark, it is a dog, yes really it is dog.

Scene-4: Caption of the car, "So comfortable that every one can drive it."

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Med-info Chip Printer Friendly Version
Medical information is life! I would like to have all of my info (med's, dr phone#, allergys, conditions, etc.) on a SD chip these are the little 1/2 by 1/2 inch chips in digital camers and palm pilots that store information. They can hold 128 megs which in the right media is my life story's worth. Then if something happened to me the emt could pop it in his palm and know all they need inc. my insurance co. and who to call and what my needs may be. I could wear it around my neck or in a charm on my key chain. Not too big, but easy to find and easy to update on my pc. It could save time in a new dr.'s office, and could be the new standerd for hospitals, too. This would be current info to help save a life. Think about all the lives and time this could save.
Reward: knowing that this use of available tec. was used for the good of all people.

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 United Kingdom
Primary School Climbing Frame Printer Friendly Version
Children in primary school typically want to climb on the roof. Usually this is a dreadful crime, but must it be?
What about a low, single-story primary school with a roof garden/ playground accessed by ladders, rope ladders, fireman's poles and slides that all lead down into classrooms, the playground, or a central courtyard? There could be wobbly rope bridges from one classroom to another, jungle swings across the courtyard, and whatever else the architect's imagination can dream up?
Reward: The pleasure of seeing it built and enjoyed.

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