8 results found displaying 4-6
On-line Scrapbook Printer Friendly Version
My wife is into scrapbooking (creating pages with personal photos with a theme).
I thought it would be cool to have a site where you could create scrapbook pages on the internet to share with family and friends.
To make this effective and enjoyable for people who scrapbook the site should have the ability to do a few things:
- to save unfinished work.

- to customize the borders, background, and graphics (possibly drag and drop).

- to upload personal images.

- to print.
It could also have a rating system and gallery for the better works. For beginners or people without a lot of time there could be templates.
I would love to see people expand on this idea.
Or maybe just a site for people to scan in theier current scrapbook pages.
Reward: Realization of the idea and a let me know where to access the site.

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Decreasing the lines at theme parks Printer Friendly Version
Even though the Express tickets have somewhat decreased the endless waits at the Disney Worlds and alike, I still think it can be done in a better way: When you enter the park, you should be able to proceed to a computer screen, on which you can enter your itinerary for the day. The computer then calculates and reserves the time slots when the specific rides are available. This way you can get the most out of your day. Granted, it does make it seem like work, having to follow a possibly tight schedule but anything beats standing in line for an hour for some silly ride.
Reward: Life time free access?

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Adult Park Printer Friendly Version
I would like to see a theme park made for and only for adults (xxx style). Just think of it for a second. It is unique and it will be the first according to my studies. I myself would love to go to a place like that.
Reward: To be the designer

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