74 results found displaying 31-33
Liquid Wax Crayon Pens Printer Friendly Version
What would be better than a regular crayon? One that fully saturates the paper in full vibrant colors that fully cover a page and leave no lines behind. Very little effort to use a liquid wax crayon pen that brings out the best colors ever. Just like a pen or ink the pen can come in different sizes and they could glow in the dark or be flourescent colors or any kind of materials added to the wax. This product is related to different paints and white out type products that can be flow controlled. A mixture of powderized wax particles in a drying adhesive type catalyst or delivery system.
You wouldn't need heat to melt the wax since it is infused (in powderized form) into a pen type delivery system. The delivery system is similar to chemically melting the powderized wax like you can take off finger nail polish or paint with a minimum of fumes given off of the chemical. Very easy to melt the wax without endangering anyone with heat to melt the wax. The color would also beat colored pencils in brightness and all other qualities. A better crayon and fun for all!
Reward: Yearly set of these for life!

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Kate Walker
Pencil-Pen Printer Friendly Version
I have an idea for a pen that writes like a mechanical pencil. I like to use mechanical pencils because you can wear down the edge a bit, and the lead writes very smooth and easy. I have not come across a pen that does this. My idea is a pen that has a bit of an angle so that you can either write with a sharp point or turn the pen slightly and use a thicker, smoother line. Also, this pen will not bleed through the paper or make extremely thick lines. The pen point, should not be large, just about the size of mechanical pencil lead (0.7mm).
Reward: For people everywhere to get the chance to use this pen!

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Cigarette Pack Bottom Cigarette Pusher Printer Friendly Version
Like chap stick and lip stick you can't use them until you can get them to the surface. If each cigarette had a bottom that you could push the cigarette up then you could easily remove them (or one) from the pack. Right now you can't get the first or second cigarette out without dumping the whole pack out or squishing the cigarettes around the one you want until you've removed about the first five making room for any sized fingers to grab one out. We just provide a cicular segmented bottom under each cigarrete that extends below each one and you push up on the bottom of the one you want. Each cigarette gets it's own push up piece!
Easily implimented and manufactured at minimal cost since the materials need not be of any other product they don't already have readily available, such as the type of card board type paper used in hard pack cigarettes or any other material they have now. This would work on packs of gum and other tightly packed items.
Reward: To have these bottoms on all brands and pack types.

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