45 results found displaying 31-33
Responsible Use of Firearms Device Printer Friendly Version
Firearm misuse is rife throughout the world, especially in the USA where gun deaths number in the tens of thousands per annum. Where an outright ban of guns is not feasible, nor is a ban of ammunition, systems are needed that ensure that guns are used for their intended peaceful purpose, eg hunting. This is especially so in jurisdictions, such as Western Europe and Australasia, where the use of guns in self-defence may not constitute a legal defence against a criminal prosecution for manslaughter. Also in these jurisdictions often the licensing of firearms is restricted to specific functions, such as hunting or rifle-range activities, and the use of guns for other purposes is expressly banned.
There has been much focus on the use of gun control to limit the use of illegal use of guns. This invention describes a smart system with position and time detectors that limit the use of guns to their licensed purpose and place.
First, gun users and guns must be licensed with relevant and authorities and the licenses will include conditions of the use of each gun, e.g. specific locations (e.g. shooting range, forest etc) where the gun can be discharged, specific times and dates when the gun can be discharged (e.g. a specific hunting season, rifle range opening times) and the like.
The key is for the gun to be only to be able to be used at (a) a certain place as determined by sensors, e.g. GPS or proxies such as cell network triangulation or other, (b) certain times and date as determined by any computer enabled clock but that is also contained in any processor.
Examples include where the gun can have incorporated in it a GPS sensor such that the position of the gun can be communicated to an internet service controlled by the government authorities. This gun may also have an internet wireless communication capability built in.
Alternatively, the user may have a special application on their smartphone that also has an Internet communications capability and a GPS sensor in it and means to communicate via, say Bluetooth to the gun, detecting the co-location of the gun, the user and the smartphone, thereby placing the user and the gun together in a specific place at a specific time.
Alternatively the smartphone may have a secure application built in which has in it the user privileges downloaded (and updated as required) thereby not requiring the smart phone to communicate to a database via the internet. This model might be preferred when gun use is in places such as wild forest where internet phone coverage is poor.
Alternatively the gun may incorporate both the GPS sensor and the smart application, and thus be an independent device. It may from time to time require that updates of software or database information en loaded onto it via a local wireless or even a plug-in communication device, but its use can be independent of these communication requirements.
Each gun would have a secure unique ID as would the smartphone app if used.
By these means the user of the gun will have unimpeded use of the gun for lawful and licensed activity. However the gun, if for example, is stolen will not be able to be used since it cannot be discharged without, for example, the smartphone tethered app with accompanying permissions for legal discharge based on time and place. Even if stolen, in the case of the smartphone app, the smartphone app would require a secure password entry before opening and allowing gun use.
For authorities this system also enables them to monitor gun use and control and possibly intervene to disable a gun when the user is using the gun illegally for any reasons. It would also allow authorities to track gun use and transport, and develop algorithms which correlate illegal gun use patterns, allowing for early intervention.

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 New Zealand
Text Condenser Printer Friendly Version
Text condensing for text messaging. I've heard of predictive text for cell phones, this is kinda the reverse. I've often found myself running out of text space and going back and condensing/abreviating words to squeeze a couple more in. This wouldn't be a problem if there were more spaces available for text per message, OR, if there was a text condensing tool on my phone.
Reward: a phone with this service on it!

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Emergency Alert System for Cell Phones and Instant Messaging Printer Friendly Version
Just recently my father's van was stolen from our driveway; with over 5,000 dollars of tools inside. We did report it to the police, but living among the millions of people who also live in Denver, and the fact that it has been four days, my dad considers it a tragic loss.
Lojack would have been a great but now it's to late.
I am proposing a simple cell phone system that would benefit tragic loss, missing persons, advance weather warning, and everything you need to know right at your fingertips. With the advent of cell phones that can display pictures, "and video" people could buy into a system that gives you alerts to your specific area. Kinda like the new "MSN direct watch" (see http://www.msn.com).
Let's say your local bank was robbed and the bank got a good picture of the thief. The bank in conjection with news, and police, would use your phone to alert you to this. If your car was stolen, give the police a picture and within minutes everyone with a picture phone are scanning the highways and byways for a certain vehicle. Just got hijacked? Take a quick picture of the suspect! Or your car driving away. If you can.
What about the innocent? Let the police handle that. And if you'r edoing anything wrong, you deserve to have your face pasted up for the public to see.
It would be like a reverse 911 for cell phones. "Calling ALL cars" suspect on the lose at fifth and main!
Reward: A cool picture phone, and the service, of course.

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