39 results found displaying 34-36
An air-free bag Printer Friendly Version
What do you think will happen if you will have a bag which can be shrinked down to the size just enough for your things so that you don't need to bring those baggy bags to school. A very small space needed for your bag and a larger space to move on.

a great relief for me!!!!

(I wish that it will be made by NIKE or ADIDAS)
Reward: at least 3 shrink bags. 1 for me and 1 for each of my 2 friends

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2 lid jars Printer Friendly Version
I go to school every morning and i eat pb&j so when i make my lunch every so often the jelly jar gets low so my hand has to go into the jar and my hand gets really sticky. Could there be some way that a jar could be made for food like jelly?
Reward: a free sample

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 United Kingdom
Tourists for Charity Printer Friendly Version
On the whole tourists are unfamiliar with the countries they visit, so when they come across an opportunity to donate something physical e.g. pens to a school, they are ill prepared. A voluntary run service/website could be set up containing information from other travellers offering advice/information of what a tourist could donate before he/she goes abroad. The website could be categorised into countries, where people would simply type in and share their information for others to take advantage of. To keep it current, tourists who had used the information whilst on holiday could also enter information informing users of the site that the original charity donation suggestion was still valid. This would prevent tourists going to a destination and discovering that the donation opportunity does not exist anymore.
Sure, there are plenty of websites out there who offer a service for travellers to provide feedback on the places they have visited or stayed at. Only very rarely is a brief mention made of a donating opportunity on their travels and only then as a cursory mention. None that I have seen have a dedicated area of their website devoted to such a topic of donating to charity in a particular country. Either these websites could set up an area on their webpages or a dedicated website could be set up for just such a purpose.
This idea is not designed to make money, it's designed to be a service to kind hearted people who have a desire to donate things to charity and make a difference in someone else's life. These donation items would have to be small to be carried to the donation opportunity or they could be bought on a person's travel and handed over to the charity in need.
Reward: Donate some or all of your profits to charity

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