52 results found displaying 37-39
Spinning Fan Blades meet Megaphone Printer Friendly Version
I had realized that all children are fascinated with the neat sound effects and voice sounds you get from speaking through a mega-phone (and its effects) and seperately a regular spinning fan to cool yourself off with. Besides all the other things you could place at the end of a mega-phone; I was thinking that the sounds and voices coming through a mega-phone would sound really cool if it passed through the mega-phone and then spinning fan blades for the effects. Kids would love it!
Different speeds, the other effects would alter and you could make some pretty freaky effects for something like a Halloween party or any other time you really want to freak someone out. "Luke... I am your Father!"
Reward: Free product or the proto-type... I will enscribe it myself.

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Breathable Blankets Printer Friendly Version
Afghans are basically and typically a warming blanket with holes all over it. If we used a multi-layer laced blanket then the children and me could hide under it for an entire night and not suffer cold temps, scarry monsters and not have to worry about any loss in oxygen. When you slide under a sheet or blanket after about 30 minutes you lose your air. With multi-layered lace it would be known as breathable, but your body heat would still keep you warm. To prove this you need only hide under an afghan for half an hour.
Reward: Free blankets for all four of my sister's children.

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Toys, pets & children Printer Friendly Version
What parent can resist the pleadings of their children? And what do children want the most - toys and pets. A combination toy store/pet store - now if that wouldn't bring in children (& their parents with the cash), I don't know what would. Of course, the pets could only be obtained from reliable, known breeders - no "puppy mills." Also offered could be obedience classes, bicycle safety, "me & my dolly" tea parties, etc.
If this is already being done somewhere, at least it proves I'm not nuts (well - not totally).
Reward: Acknowledgment from the outside world to prove to my family that just perhaps one of my "crackpot" ideas isn't so crackpot after all.

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