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New Baby Seat (3 ideas) Printer Friendly Version
On long trips, my active son is strapped into a car seat for many long hours. He would LOVE to stand up, but, of course, that is dangerous when driving. That and other things have made me do some thinking about baby seats. I have three ideas...
First, when my son goes to sleep, the seat tilts so little, that he must literally go to sleep sitting up. It would be nice if the seat could really adjust so that he could be in a more prone position.
Second, to strap my son in, I must go through some more process. Get this seatbelt buckle aligned with this one, put them together, plug them into the receptacle, etc. Why not have a SINGLE STEP baby seat? This not only allows you to get the baby strapped in quickly on those hot days... but allows you to get the baby out easily in an emergency.
Thirdly, and this is the main one, why not use something like a mesh of seatbelt material to create a "safety cage" that allows a young child to stand up (in the back seat), actually move around, and so forth, but would keep him from going through the windshield in an accident?
It would be kind of like a "soft" playpen, since the "cage" would be made of seat-belt material that is woven into a easy-to-see-through mesh. Further, the mesh would be held in place with the use of regular seatbelt buckles, which makes it very easy to close and open. The front of the cage could have a pillow-type material--kind of an already-deployed airbag in case of emergency. It could be machine-washable and so forth.
Reward: Acknowledgement

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Oenophile's petit barrique Printer Friendly Version
Instead of selling wine in a bottle or box, some of the producers should consider selling them in small casks (2 - 3 L). The material of the cask must be the same as what the manufacturer would have used to age the wine in their own cellar.
The main idea is to allow buyer the freedom to age the wine at his own home in a cask that is made from the same wood as the one manufacturer would have used. This way someone can buy the wine in this mini cask and age it as long as he or she likes.
This way people would not need to pay a large amount of money for a good quality wine only if they are willing to be patient. Also after the initial investment they will have a high quality wine available to them for any occasion.
Reward: I am not very interested in any monitory awards but if some one does find this idea appealing I would appreciate an acknowledgment at my email address siddhartha.seth@gmail.com

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Web Site Printer Friendly Version
Idea being is to make People Technologically Emotional. Can be a WebSite with a main feature of "ALL EXPRESSIVE ICON, ANIMATIONS or anything that relates People Mood, feelings and emotions"
Reason 2 have : For 2006, People in US sent such imotions of all kind worth of 24 Million $$s

Scope : There are many sites on NET but no one has extensive collection of Pictorial or Animated Expressions.
Professional now want to use such "ICONS" for their routines...

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