204 results found displaying 40-42
Telephone Voice Verification Printer Friendly Version
Looking to create a secure environment in nursing home rooms for telephone fraud prevention without the necessity for remembering lengthy passwords or using calling cards with long numbers to dial.
Perhaps a telephone that records the authenticated voice and stores in the unit. Then, no dial tone is given until the voice verification process authenticates the speaker using the telephone.

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zyx Rationalist
Cooking gas timer Printer Friendly Version
Many times at home we forget what we left cooking on the gas so if we have a timer switch fitted to the gas that switches off automatically at specified time then we won't have to worry burning food while we do other household chores.
Reward: mail me at zyxRationalist@yahoo.com or just Remember me.

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United States - Complainers Printer Friendly Version
The Idea is simple: Hire people who constantly complain just about anything! Hire them out to other companies looking for ways to make their business better. No complaint too small. The possibilities are endless, especially in a consumer driven market.
"We complain to Make your Customers Happier!" That's the Slogan.
The problem with employees is that they don't complain to management in person. Yet, they/we grovel all day about how bad things are. If management would listen to complaints, things just might get better. My first post - just testing the waters.
First online complaint about this site: eg: the logo at the top of this site is too big - if it has to be that big, put some more images into it! Make it appealing. Oh, it's nice and all: But put some gears into it, make it pop more!
Reward: Making a better world by complaining about it - for the sake of being picky!

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