74 results found displaying 43-45
A Seperate Card To Store Credit/Debit Purchases On Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever forgotten to save a receipt from a card purchase and then you can't balance your check book? Rather than having online banking you could simplify this part of the process by having one card instead of ten to twenty web sites for each card, that can be swiped through right after your purchase card (Visa/Master Card) that would record all your amounts of your purchases and what they were (all the information). Then you swipe it at home on a home version of the store's computer and it all comes up with all the info for every card.
The small card swipping equipment could Plug and Play into simple software for reading and permanent storage on your home PC or Mac. Plus, now Tax laws make us save receipts for end of year taxes and we probably always will have to save them but, if we used this card and software then we could submit all the receipts all at once instead of 10 to twenty hours of paid work or a serious problem doing it yourself. An easy way to balance your check book weather it is online banking (the software could be compatible) or the paper kind and no hassle hanging onto to hundreds of pieces of paper in shoe boxes collecting all year long.
Reward: The look on my face when I see it being used!

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alpha male
Poop Splatter Absorber Printer Friendly Version
Don't you hate it when you are going number two and receive splash back. The messy wet ones are the worst (well almost the worst). How about making something to lay on the surface of the water to absorb the splash. I made a prototype by laying a thin layer of toilet paper on the surface of the water. It works pretty good unless the explosion is powerful.
Reward: A clean back side

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Martin Wallace
Urban Waste Abatement Kit Printer Friendly Version
This would be a good project for an Environmental Science/ Education Student. The physical object is quite simple, but the institution of the system would require much research and involvement.
The actuall object: A backpack that holds a 32oz thermal mug, a set of flatware, and a lenin napkin.
The hard part: One would need to do a cost analysis comparison between cost of waste removal and landfill use to the cost of distributing such a kit to all citizens of any given urban area. My assumption is that it would be very expensive to issue the kits initially, but over time the city/ community would save money from waste removal and landfill usage. The idea is to cut back on paper and styro waste from restaraunts and convenieance stores by issueing every citizen his/her own set of wares. This not only would cut back on the amount of waste, but also on the amount of litter, so there would certainly be an aesthetic value to it also. Businesses may even chose to get involved by offering discounts to patrons who bring in their own cups/ forks/ napkins etc.
I live in a somewhat progressive community, and I've seen many of the indie kids in town allready doing this on their own. I think it is a lovely idea which large urban areas could really put to good use.
Reward: No reward expected. The reward would be inherent in the execution of the idea. If a reward is necessary, perhaps to bail me out of jail the next time I get arrested for peacefull, non-violent demonstration.

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