196 results found displaying 46-48
 South Korea
Length-Adjustable Power & Other Lines Printer Friendly Version
I am neither a terribly neat person nor a person suffering from mysophobia, yet I would love to clean up the mess behind the multi-media section in my home where I had put my television, stereo, play station, video plyer, cable box, and some other appliances such as telephone. So naturally, behind all these would be a jungle of "needlessly" long cables.
Presently, I had tied the cables into groups which helped a little in solving the problem. It would be really helpful if the cables were the RIGHT length or make wireless appliances, which I believe is on the way. However, in the mean time, why not make the power cables and other interconnecting cables adjustable. One way would be to have the cables coil up hidden within a aplliance so you could pull out the exact length of cable. This would be useful when re-locating your furniture, too.
Also consider making the cables bendable, I mean have some kind of wire withing the cable to make them take a certain shape. Then, it would be possible to have the cables running tightly along the corners and edges without using tapes or other untidy things.

Home appliances are evolving day by day in the technical sense. Length adjustable cables can be achieved without highly advanced technology. Please make them for me. Thanks.

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Double Wide Sliced Bread Printer Friendly Version
With the ease of making sandwhiches with double wide bread, it saves time on making them by adding the factor that you only need to fold them over or you can have two sufaces covered with the same thing like peanut butter with jam or butter in the middle which, tastes better. It also prevents the sandwhich spreads from squeezing out the bottom. You could add a predesigned dent between the two halves to easily tear apart the two halves for toasting.
Reward: Credit

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Frank Jones
MF-Standard for Hamburgers Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever wondered if you get your money's worth out of a hamburger purchase? We all know that choosing the right burger is a tough decision nowadays: Some burgers are flatter than others, some may have several stories, and once in a while they even come with vegetables inside! So how should you know if a burger is really better than its counter-product? Well, that's what I invented the Mouth Full-Standard for: The MF-Test will answer the question by telling you how many bites it takes me to eat a hamburger when I really concentrate (the burger, of course). That way, you can compare ALL hamburgers and base your decision on real facts.

Already tested: Cheeseburger (Burger King) MF 1.7

Double-Cheeseburger (McDonalds) MF 2.0

Bic Mac (McDonalds) MF 2.8
Reward: Invite me to your restaurant, and I'll standardize your burgers for you!

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