289 results found displaying 46-48
Message from old time Printer Friendly Version
Capsules with memories from present are inserted into new buildings. Official documents may be secret for decades before they come public. Personal documents can be kept in vaults or law offices, but normally they are given to relatives when the owner dies.
Has someone already commercialized a message from old time service? A reliable organization, which stores in a secure place messages and mementos to be given to relatives after decades, even a hundred years later. Those could be greetings, handwritten letters, biographies, documents, files, secrets, photos and videos, notifications in public medias, small items etc. The service would take care of all data and convert it to modern format. Nothing valuable to avoid judicial writs, as it can be difficult to find the nearest relative after a long period.

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John Charles Thomas
Ecological TV Printer Friendly Version
There are many reasons that people pollute so badly but one is sure just lack of perception. Your garbage seems simply to disappear. So, here's the deal. Inside every TV is a mandatory chip that displays an image of the garbage that you produce. At first, it obscures a small part of your TV screen, but over time, more and more is obscured. If you produce less garbage, the TV becomes obscured less quickly. To reduce the garbage, you may perform certain acts such as planting a tree. You plant a tree, and a signal is sent that reduces your garbage image proportion.
Reward: Gee, I dunno. A habitable planet for my grandchildren might just about do it for me.

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Jamie Carpenter
"Miniature" Cats Printer Friendly Version
Some people may say this isn't exactly an invention, but I'm sure cat lovers worldwide would love it if someone created a cat breed that stays small and kittenlike forever. Through the years, miniature dog breeds have flourished; why is it that there are no miniature cat breeds? I can think of a dozen dog breeds that retain their puppylike appearance, yet the typical housecat is doomed to going from adorable, petite furball to big, fat furball within a year or two! :-)
Reward: A "Forever Kitten" of my own...possibly replacing my own fat furballs...just kidding!

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